Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO)

Subscription Rates for UK Residents (2024)

Individual membership of LPO 30.00€
Individual membership plus subscription to L'Oiseau Magazine 58.00€
Individual membership plus subscription to Ornithos 69.00€
Individual membership plus subscription to Ornithos & L'Oiseau Magazine 97.00€
Subscription to L'Oiseau Magazine at non-member rate 32.00€
Subscription to Ornithos at non-member rate 44.00€
Family membership of LPO 42.00€
Family membership plus subscription to L'Oiseau Magazine 70.00€

Note that these rates include the cost of postage of the magazines to the UK. This cost may be shown separately on the renewal forms that come to existing members direct from the LPO in France.

Note also that the annual supplement to L'Oiseau Magazine entitled "Rapaces de France" devoted to birds of prey and their conservation is now included in the subscription to the regular issues of L'Oiseau Magazine.

It is now in principle possible to pay directly on-line, using a UK credit or debit card, by going to the LPO's main website ( and choosing 'Mon Espace LPO' on the home page. Existing members will be able to become registered via 'Je suis déjà inscrit' as long as they have a note of their LPO membership number which should appear on correspondence from the LPO. Those wishing to join from scratch need to click on 'Je veux adhérer' and follow the instructions. The questions that need answering are in French, of course, but are along the lines of those used when making any purchases on-line (e.g. via Amazon).


If you are resident in the UK, and would like some more information about the LPO, Ken Hall is always willing to help. You can contact him by e-mail on:

or write to:

Ken Hall, 5 Chapel Close, Chew Stoke, Bristol BS40 8XX.
Tel: (+44) (0)1275-332980

Those elsewhere should contact the LPO at their headquarters in France:

LPO, Fonderies Royales, 8 rue du Dr Pujos, CS 90263, 17305 Rochefort Cedex, FRANCE
Tel: (+33) (0)5 46 82 12 34

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